The Stavitsky Collection
A sampling of photographs from the Stavitsky and Crystal Family Collection. View the expanded collection here.
Community and Recreation
A snapshot of photographs related to community activities and recreation in and around the Alliance Colony.
Included in this collection are the following families: Altman, Beshitsky, Braun, Einstein, Fineman, Greenblatt, Miller, Rothman, Soffian, and Sklansky,
Topics: Maurice River, Norma Athletic Association Baseball, May Day, Centerton, Brotmanville Synagogue.
The Levin Family Collection
A selection of photographs from the Levin Family Collection.
Norma and Brotmanville
A gallery of photographs depicting life in the communities of Brotmanville and Norma.
Topics: Allivine Canning Company, Baseball, Norma Public School, May Day, Brotmanville Synagogue, Ahavas Achim Synagogue.
A gallery of photographs showing the community in Rosenhayn.
Topics: Tailors, Post Office, Parvin Pond, Franklin Hall, Gerson's, Alpers Hotel.
A selection of images that show farming in and around the Alliance Colony.
Included in this collection are the following families: Alterman, Chonofsky, Crystal, Goldfein, Greenblatt, Grubgeld, Kleinfield, Kravitz, and Weinberg.
The Norma Grade School
A collection of images from the Norma Grade School yearbooks, 1931-34.
Included in this collection are the following families: Adams, Applebaum, Brickman, Brodsky, Castlewitz, Chonofsky, Ellison, Farnia, Fisher, Gross, Hassin, Helig, Karp, Kirschner, Kravitz, Makowitz, Rothman, Saranoff, Scribner, Speigel, and Zinberg.
The First Settlers of Alliance
Photographs of some of the first people to settle in the Alliance Colony.
Included in this collection are the following families: Bailey, Bayuk, Chonofsky, Cohen, Helig, Levinson, Opachinsky, Rudnick, Solunsky, Stavitsky, and Zager.
The Crystal Family Collection
Photographs and archival material from the Crystal family.
The Opack-Opachinsky Family Collection
Photographs and other material from the Opack-Opachinsky family.
The Spain Family Collection
Photographs and other material from the Spain family.
The Abramowitz-Friedman Family Collection
Sam and Fannie Abramowitz were among Carmel's earliest arrivals, c 1885. Their youngest daughter, Rebecca, married Abe Friedman in 1916. These photos were donated by Rebecca's granddaughter, Joan Kirschner.
Rights and Permissions: Access to our material is provided for educational and research purposes only. While Stockton University owns these collections, the copyright for individual items varies. Researchers are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions. Please contact Special Collections for further details.